Label Mouse says:
Focused on outside grazing for dairy products, but CIWF reckons that it offers a lower standard than Pasture for Life.
This standard was created by the National Farmers Union and is very vague about what it actually stands for.
They promise:
Free Range Dairy wants to help dairy farmers break free of this boom/bust cycle that unless we properly address farmers will be forced to repeat. People want to buy milk from UK farmers and as local as possible, they want their cows on pasture and milk to come from cows that graze in fields.
There are a lot of food labels out there, but its pretty unclear what they mean.
With the UK leaving the EU we're able to define our own regulations on how our food is produced, the impact on the environment and how the animals involved are cared for. This could be a good or a bad thing. The extra player in the mix is that brands are introducing their own schemes which can appear more eco-friendly than they actually are.
Label Mouse does the research to help you make more informed buying choices. Hope it's useful.
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